Monday, July 20, 2009

Tomato Salad

Ok, so it's not really a recipe, but it is yummy.
Cut up a bunch of different types of tomatoes
Sprinkle with fresh cracked pepper and Celtic sea salt.
Top with fresh mozzarella.
Serve with a splash of balsamic vinegar & olive oil.

With this we had pesto pizza with fresh tomatoes and mozzarella. The pesto was made a couple of days ago. My son makes a mean pesto with multiple varieties of basil, walnuts and olive oil. Yummy!

A Colorful Harvest

Left to right:
red bell peppers, banana peppers, jalapeno peppers, pink brandywine tomatoes, lemon boy tomatoes, husky cherry tomatoes, sweet 100 tomatoes, early girls, marion tomatoes, royal burgundy beans and zucchini.

7-20-09 Cantaloupes

We've tied up about 6 melons and have 4 or 5 more small ones starting. I'm hoping for a few more than we had last year. These are 'Ambrosia' melons. We planted them and Hale's Best last year, but these were sweeter.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

7-18-09 The Ripening Begins

The tomatoes are starting to ripen. The Sweet 100 is full!

Friday, July 17, 2009

7-17-09 Lush Greenery & Watermelons

Looking through the Southern bed toward the Kids' Garden. The various basils, Rutgers and Mountain Pride tomatoes.

The Cantaloupe vines are spreading everywhere with lots of tiny melons still starting. About 5 melons were large enough to need tying up (since they are on the vertical section.

Our largest watermelon is now bigger than my older daughter's head. It has now required a 2nd support for its size. The Crimson Sweet seems to be getting larger than I expected.

She is holding the newest one forming. It's weirdly shriveled and wrinkled. Unfortunately we had several that started and yet disappeared leaving black stems. I hope that more will come from the few blossoms still on the vine.

7-17-09 The Garden Ripens

The tomatoes are ripening. The Marion, Early Girl, Pink Brandywine, German Queen, Bradley, Rutgers, Sweet 100, Bonnie Select Grape, Roma and Yellow Boy have all begun to ripen. I still haven't received any Big Beef, Mountain Pride or Yellow Jubilee. They are getting close.

The Sweet 100 is in the middle of this shot and the Marions are off to the right.

These are the Marions (there are 8 off them).

These are the lovely (and profuse) Pink Brandywine.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Kids' Garden on 7-12-09

My little one is almost hidden in the Kids' Garden. We've already cut back the marigolds once, but they keep growing SO tall that we will probably have to pull them. She's counting to see how many melons have started.